Tanganjika Cichliden

Since: Jan. 1, 2003    Last update: Sep. 23, 2024    21 years

オトシン・ネグロ (Called Otocin negro in Japan)

Otothyropsis piribebuy

Bred in Japan. Originally distributed in State of São Paulo in Brazil.

オトシン ネグロ Otothyropsis piribebuy オトシン ネグロ Otothyropsis piribebuyオトシン ネグロ オス Otothyropsis piribebuy male オトシン ネグロ メス Otothyropsis piribebuy femaleオトシン ネグロ Otothyropsis piribebuy

Middle left, male; middle right, female.


Breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

水槽:36 x 22 x 26 cm
水質:pH=6.0-6.5、GH=5(水道水を活性炭浄水器に通し0.005%程度のリン酸二水素ナトリウム: NaH2PO4を溶かしたもの)
Tank size: 36 x 22 x 26 cm.
Filer: Air-lift undergravel with Oiso-sand.
Water condition: pH=6.0-6.5, GH=5. (About 0.005% sodium dihydrogen phosphate: NaH2PO4 in charcoal filtrated tap water).
Temperature: 25℃
Lighting: LED, 7 hours/day.
December 2019, I set two bred pairs in a breeding tank. At the bigining the pH was 7.5 and it was lowered day by day to 6.0. After they wiped out algae on the glass in several days, I used dry foods, and soon I found eggs on the glass. This day was defined as day 0. In the second time (Feb. 2020), they laid eggs more easily soon after transferred to a tank with pH=6.5. The fry survived and grew better when they were isolated in a small plastic case than left in the main tank, probably because they could pick up more foods on the plastic bottom than on the gravel. After that, the same parent fish lay eggs without pH conditioning just after moved to another tank, and the eggs hatch in the water.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 産卵 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy egg オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 産卵 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy egg

Day 0. I found about 30 eggs on the glass, and removed the parental fish.

Day 1. Faint heart beat can be seen already. This video was recorded using the super macro mode of a disital camera.

Day 2. The embryos are developping, and the heart beat is strong.

Day 3. Hatched. It flichs a cyclops.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

Day 4. A fry on a thermometer.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

5日目。Day 5.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

Day 9. Around one week after the eggs were lain, the fry started to disappear. I transferred the fry to a small plastic case to improve the survival rate, accoding to internet information. I feed them with dry powder and frozen Branchionus.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

16日目。Day 16.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

23日目。Day 23.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

Day 29. Grid, 1 mm.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

32日目。Day 32.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

50日目。Day 50.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 産卵 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy egg

Day 0 of the second clutch breeding. This time, the same parental fish as the first clutch laid eggs in a couple of days after they were transferred to a breeding tank with pH=6.5.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 産卵 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy egg

1日目。Day 1.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 産卵 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy egg

2日目。Day 2.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

3日目。Day 3.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

Day 4. This time, the fry were moved to a small case earlier.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

5日目。Day 5.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

11日目。Day 11.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy fry

18日目。Day 18.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

Day 25. Ones growing faster are released into a bigger tank.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

Day 32. Other ones are also growing up.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

Day 47. Eating algae on the glass.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

In the summer of 2021, the same parental fish as above spawned once again. This time they were introduced into a small plastic case. Though the water was not conditioned (pH=7.4, GH=5), they spawned in several days. Photos of day 0.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

Two day after the spawning.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

9日目。Day 9.

オトシン ネグロ 繁殖 稚魚 breeding of Otothyropsis piribebuy

Day 49, they grew fast and now are almost adults.