Tanganjika Cichliden

Since: Jan. 1, 2003    Last update: Sep. 23, 2024    21 years


Danio erythromicron

Distributed in Lake Inle in Myanmar. Ones with thinner bands and yellowish body color may be females.

Danio erythromicron Danio erythromicronDanio erythromicron Danio erythromicronDanio erythromicron Danio erythromicron

Bred fish that are shown below. Upper four images, one year old; lower two, one year and eight months. The fins are reddening little by little.

Danio erythromicron Danio erythromicron

Keeping started in Mar. 2018.


Breeding of Danio erythromicron

水槽:36 x 22 x 26 cm
Tank size: 36 x 22 x 26 cm.
Filer: Air-lift undergravel with Oiso-sand.
Water condition: pH=7.4, GH=7 to 8. A small amount of magnesium chloride was added because the water of Lake Inle is reported as a little bit hard, but it might be inessential.
Temperature: 26℃ (Ambient in this season here. The water temperature of Lake Inle is reported to be lower than this.)
Lighting: LED, 7 hours/day.
Plants: Microsorum, Java moss and hornwort.
May 2018, I set six fish in the breeding tank. Although I could not find the eggs, I removed the parental fish to another tank after a week. This day was defined as day 0.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Day 0. Already fry are there.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Day 1. Eyes are red.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Day 15. Fry hatched early (Left) and late (Right) differ in their size.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

43日目。Day 43.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

50日目。Day 50.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

63日目。Day 63.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

70日目。Day 70.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Day 77. There are more than 20 juveniles.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Six months. Moved to a bigger tank.


Breeding of Danio erythromicron generation 3

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

Sep. 2021. Although they are older than three years, I tried breeding.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 稚魚

The next day after I removed the parental fish from the tank, I found a fry on the corner of the tank.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 稚魚

A fry of the second clutch of this generation (G3) in the seventh day.

Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖 Danio erythromicron breeding fry エリスロミクロン繁殖

About one month after the birth.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

4ヶ月。Four months.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

1年。One year.


Breeding of Danio erythromicron generation 4

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Jun. 2022, the fourth generation fry were born. On the day when the parental fish were removed from the breeding tank, fry were already found.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Three days later. This fry seems to have been born later.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

35日後。Day 35.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

56日後。Day 56.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

2ヶ月後。Two months after the birth.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロンDanio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Nov. 2023, after the breeding of the 5th generation fry shown below. The colour faded when they were caught for transfer.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロンDanio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Dec. 2023, they recovered the body color.


Breeding of Danio erythromicron generation 5

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロンDanio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Aug. 2023, the fifth generation fry were born. Eight days after the parental fish were removed.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Fifteen days after the parental fish were removed.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

22日。Twenty two days.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

29日。Twenty nine days.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

Thirty six days. Some fish bigin to show bands.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

43日。Forty three days.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

50日。Fifty days.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

3ヶ月。Three months.

Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン Danio erythromicron エリスロミクロン

1年。One year.