Tanganjika Cichliden

Since: Jan. 1, 2003    Last update: Sep. 23, 2024    21 years


Benthochromis melanoides


When the fish has kept for three years and nine months.

(このページは、新しい画像が下にあります。 Recent bottom.)

別ページ ではブリードされたベンソクロミス・ホリィの幼魚からの飼育を紹介していますが、こちらはB.トリコッティとして入手したワイルドの幼魚からの記録です。

2005年12月飼育開始、約1年の飼育の後、魚に現れた特徴は一般のB. tricotiとは異なるようです。Benthochromis属にはB. tricotiの他にB. melanoidesという種がいます。(現在ではB. horiiもいます。)この種に関する情報は少なくネット上でB. melanoidesとして紹介されている魚には、
1)B. tricotiと同じ様な色彩で柄が少し違う感じの魚
の2種類があります。私は、このページの魚は2)に該当し、これが本物のB. melanoidesだと思います。B. melanoidesの記載論文は、
Poll and Max. 1984. Haplotaxodon melanoides sp. n. du lac Tanganika (Pises, Cichlidae). Revue de Zoologie et Botanique Africaines, 98 (3) 677-681.
です。(Benthochromis属は後にHaplotaxodon属から分離されました。)B. tricotiの後にB. melanoidesという学名を付ける魚としては、このページの魚の方が"らしい"と思いませんか。

In Dec. 2005, I got these fish in Tokyo as wild caught B. tricoti. After one year, I noticed that the feature of them somewhat differs from that of common B. tricoti, and suspected if they are B. melanoides. I found that two types of fishes are introduced as B. melanoides on web, the one with similar coloring to but different pattern from the common B. tricoti, and the other with silver body and black spots on both sides of the head. My judgement now is that these are real B. melanoides.

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Juveniles of "Benthochromis tricoti" to appear to be Benthochromis melanoides.
I got young fish with 6 cm length in Dec. 2005. They are fed on dry pellets only. The water was conditioned with sodium bicarbonate, magnesium chloride, and a low concentration of potassium chloride. General Japanese tap water has neutral pH and is relatively soft with calcium major divalent cation.

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5ヶ月。Five months after.

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Nine months have passed. Grown up to 12 cm length. The bodies got massive, but I felt that the color developing and the fin elongation were delayed comparing with another group of B. tricoti (B. horii ) I kept.


Kept for one year. Transferred into a bigger tank. The fish without the spots is supposed as a female.


Probable male with a black spot. It occasionally performs spreading.


One year as well. Front, male; back, female, perhaps.


オスらしい個体。Presumably a male.

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2年10ヶ月。Two years and ten months.

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飼育4年半。体型がしっかりしてきましたが、B. horii(従来のB. tricoti)ほどは大きくならないようです。
Four years and six months. The fish has become macho, but it does not seem to be as big as B. toricoti (B. horii ).