Tanganjika Cichliden

Since: Jan. 1, 2003    Last update: Feb. 16, 2025    22 years

キアソファリンクス・フルキフェール "ハレンベ"

Cyathopharynx frucifer "Halembe"


Bred in Europe. Started keeping in Oct. 2024. Photo taken after two and a half months of keeping. About 12 cm in length.

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On the day of arrival and the following day, about 9 cm. Only two of these fish arrived at the store. I thought they are a male and a female. Unfortunately, the male's ventral fins have broken rays and the entire ventral fins have turned black. At this young age, I think the fins will regenerate after tearing off once.

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Kept for a week. The left is a female, photographed using a strobe, and right male, white LED lighting. As feared, the ventral fins were torn off.

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3週間。 Three weeks.


4週間。Four weeks.


5週間。Five weeks.


6週間。Six weeks.


7週間。Seven weeks.

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まだ飼育8週間、10cmほどなのに、産卵してメスが卵を咥えました。今回の初回の産卵では左上の画像のような不完全な産卵床しか造りませんでしたが、数日後、右下の画像のような立派な産卵床を造りました。これは別ページに紹介したC. foae "Moliro"でも同様でした。残念ながら、今回の卵は育ちませんでした。
Even though the fish had been kept for only eight weeks and were only about 10 cm long, the female laid eggs and held them in her mouth. It seems that the first time fish of this species lay eggs, they often make an incomplete laying bed like the one in the top left image, but a few days later, they made a splendid laying bed like the one in the bottom right image, and this was the case with C. foae "Moliro" in the other page also. Unfortunately, the eggs this time did not hatch.

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9週間 Nine weeks.


9週間。Nine weeks.


12週間。Twelve weeks.


14週間。Fourteen weeks.


Fifteen weeks. The regeneration of the ventral fins has progressed.