トロフェウス・モーリィ "レッドレインボー"
Tropheus moorii "Red Rainbow"
"Red Rainbow"の産地名はKasanga(カサンガ)(購入後4年7ヶ月)
The locality of Red Rainbow is Kasanga. (Kept for four years and seven months)
(このページは、新しい画像が下にあります。 Recent bottom.)
Jul. 2005, I got four German-bred juveniles with the total length of 5 cm from a shop in Chiba Prefecture. (Right bottom) Grazing algae on a flowerpot.
Four months have passed. The biggest one is developing red color especially on its dorsal fin.
Mark after mowing algae.
Male with 9 cm total length, kept for one year and three months.
同じく1年3ヶ月のメス。2ヶ月前に繁殖経験あり。繁殖については別ページ、トロフェウス・モーリィ "レッドレインボー"の繁殖を見て下さい。(左右は同一個体)
Female kept for one year and three months. This has spawned two months before, which I report on aother page, Breeding of T. moorii "Red Rainbow".
Another female. This also has laid and held eggs once.
The smallest one.
In these pictures they look yellowish, presumably because they got nervous in front of my camera. Their ordinary body color has more contrast between light and dark.