トロフェウス・モーリィ "レッドレインボー" 第3世代
Tropheus moorii "Red Rainbow" Generation 3
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2011年10月、Tropheus moorii "Red Rainbow"の3代目が生まれました。
Oct. 2011, I found a fry of T. moorii "Red Rainbow", which is the 3rd generation fish in my tank.
Only one fry was born.
Four months have passed. It likes to go into the hole of a flowerpot.
9ヶ月。Nine months.
1年4ヶ月。One year and four months have passed.
1年8ヶ月。One year and eight months.
Nov. 2012, I found three fry of the 2nd clutch. They are also the 3rd generation.
生後半年。Half a year has passed.
Mar. 2013, I found another fry. Only one this time. Four days later, I found four more fry, which must be the same clutch.
2ヶ月。Two months have passed.
Dec. 2013, they are together in the same tank.
生後2年半、繁殖行動らしい動きが見られます。1匹(恐らくオス)が体を震わせた後、体を横たえ、もう1匹が口を放精管に近づけます。トロフェウス・モーリィ "レッドレインボー"の繁殖のページで紹介した画像の撮影時には、2匹が交互にこの行動を繰り返していましたが、この画像の撮影時には、1匹(多分オス)が横たわる方を繰り返していました。メスと思われる方は既に卵を咥えているように見えます。
Two years and a half after the birth, they seem to initiate mating behavior. One supposed male lies after trembling and one supposed female put its mouth near the vas deferens. Different from the case shown in the page of Breeding of T. moorii "Red Rainbow", in this case they repeated this one-way conduct, but the female seemed to keep eggs in the mouth already.
New fry of the same generation (G3) have been born. Two years and nine months after the first spawning, the parental generation (G2) is still active for spawning. (Left) Just after found. (Right) One month and a half.
3ヶ月。Three months.
I took out the next clutch of fry by my hands.
Very soon after the fry came out, they defecated, meaning that they fed themselves in the mother's mouth.
Jul. 2015, all the fish above were gathered in one tank.
2015年12月。Dec. 2015.
2016年8月。Aug. 2016.
2017年3月。Mar. 2017.
Aug. 2017. Just after transfered to an other tank, they started a dogfight, but soon stopped it.
Sep. 2017. Still keeps eggs, though having grand children.
2018年10月。Oct. 2018.
Mar. 2019. The G2 and G3 are no longer distinduishable because they are in the same tank, but they still show mating behavior.
May 2019, I foud new babies in this tank. They must be born in another spausing after that shown above.
Sep. 2019, a female was keeping eggs but this time the eggs disappered.
2019年8月。Aug. 2019.
2020年4月。Apr. 2020.
2020年12月。Dec. 2020.