Tanganjika Cichliden

Since: Jan. 1, 2003    Last update: Sep. 23, 2024    21 years

キアソファリンクス・フォアイ "モリロ" 第2世代の繁殖記録

Breeding of Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro"

キアソファリンクス フォアイ モリロ 繁殖 幼魚 Cyathopharynx foae moliro breed fry 415.jpg

キアソファリンクス・フォアイ"モリロ"の稚魚 2004年6月
Fry of Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro", Jun. 2004

(このページは、新しい画像が下にあります。 Recent bottom.)

Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro"の繁殖に成功しました。マウスブルーダー(マウスブリーダー)であることは言うまでもありませんが、Cyathopharynx飼育の醍醐味は何と言ってもクレーターを作る独特の繁殖行動とそのときのオスの発色を見ることだと思います。 これより先にCyathopharynx foae "Mbita"のワイルド個体のペアからの繁殖を試みましたが、産卵はするものの食卵したりくわえなかったりで、結局成功していません。海外のサイトや洋書を見るとCyathopharynxのワイルド個体は、発色したオスであっても水槽飼育を始めると褪色してしまうことが多いが、ブリード個体は小さくして発色し腹ビレも伸びるとする記述が多くあります。そこで、ブリードものの幼魚数匹の群れから飼育を始めることにしました。マニアの方々はもう忘れてしまっていると思いますが、これは熱帯魚の入門書にあるシクリッド飼育の基本でもあります。C店(旧)に入荷した6cmのブリード幼魚の群れから6匹を選び、結局オス3・メス3となりました。発色しているオスは1匹のみです。(追記、その後3匹とも発色しました。)
Here I report the breeding of C. foae "Moliro".

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Spawning within the crater-like nest. These photos were not taken at the time of breeding presented below but at later chances.

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Breeding tank. At the right corner, you can see the crater-like nest build by the fish.

水槽:120 x 45 x 45 cm(アクリル)
ポンプ:レイシー P-112A、水槽やフィルターの大きさに対して流量はかなり少なく、現在はP-318Aに変更しています。

Tank Data
Tank dimension: 120 x 45 x 45 cm.
Filter: Upper box with an 11 liter/min pump, containing 20 liters of ceramic rings.
Lighting: Indirect.
Substrate: Sandygold. I am not sure if this type of black sand is available in countries other than Japan. This sand contains vermiculite-like golden particles and sold as water plant sand.
Temperature: Basically 23 degree C, but 28 degree C in summer time.
Water conditioning: pH is adjusted to 8.5 by 0.25 gram/liter of sodium bicarbonate. GH (German definition) is raised up to 10 by magnesium chloride. (The tap water contains the almost equivalent concentration of calcium ion to Tanganyika lake water.) 0.06 gram/liter of potassium/sodium (1:1) chloride salt is also added.
Water change: Once in a week by 100 liter.
Feeding: Twice a day. Hikari Guppy, Tetra Vegetable Flake, Sera Granugreen, Nosan Ayu-soft (for industrial farming of sweetfish), Hikari Marigold (for goldfish).

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One morning in Jun. 2004, seven months after the start of keeping, I noticed that one female was keeping eggs in its mouth. That was unexpected because the fish was yet as small as 10 cm in total length.

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At the first spawning, a steep nest crater was not built, but only a hollow was seen.

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Sixteen days after the spawning, I took the fry. Eight babies came out. Though they still carry a big yolksack, they eat brineshrimps and small particles of dry food.

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A week later, the fry swim promptly.

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A steep crater appeared after the first spawning.

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A week after the first spawning, another female laid eggs. More eggs were expected this time owing to the swelling throat.

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A beautiful crater was used this time.

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Seventeen fry were taken 22 days after the spawning. They were well developed and difficult to be taken out of the mother's mouth, because they tried vigorously to stay in the mouth.

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1週間後。A week later.

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Eggs just laid. Scale in 2 mm. After the two times of breeding, the females laid eggs repeatedly. As I had already noticed the yellow color of eggs of C. foae "Mbita" carried on another page, and as I guessed it to be a color of lutein, I feed them on foods (products for goldfish and sweetfish) containing marigold flower as a source of this carotenoid. Though I am not sure if it is effective for breeding of C. foae, Japanese researchers on fish farming reported that carotenoids are effective to produce eggs with high viability besides to improve yellow body color.

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新しい水槽に稚魚を移しました。90 x 45 x 55 cm。砂はナイルサンド(ADA)にしてみました。
The fry were transferred into a new 90 x 45 x 55(H) cm tank. The bottom sand quarried and sold in Japan is named Nile Sand.

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Four months after the birth. The fish pick algae on a flowerpot.

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約6ヵ月。Six months.

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Eight months. Though even the biggest one is still as small as 8 cm in total length, some of them started getting color and building a nest. Aggression is also observed. Tank bred ones might be precocious.

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One year. After I put flowerpots as screen, two craters were constructed. The occupying males change day by day.

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One year and a half. Some of them were moved into a tank for breeding.

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Two years. The male/female ratio is 3 : 1. All males got their brilliant color. Two fish were lost during the two years.

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生後満5年。大きいです。 Five years after the birth.