キアソファリンクス・フォアイ "モリロ" 第5世代
Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro" Generation 5

A grown up male of the 5th generation. (Jul. 2015)
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"Moliro"第4世代のページで紹介した個体が成長し第5世代(generation 5: G5 いわゆるF5に相当)を産みました。(2010年3月)
The 5th generation (G5, so called F5) of Cyathopharynx foae Molir, born in Mar. 2010.

A G4 female keeping eggs in its mouth was isolated in a tank. Two weeks after the spawning, however, the female aborted the mouth brooding and the embryos were expectorated. So I kept them in a plastic case. This time only three were recovered alive.

One week after recovering the fry, the yolk sac has shrinked and the fry started swimming about.

Another one week later, they are growing and getting body depth.

Soon after, another G4 female has spawned and is now keeping eggs in its mouth. After 16 days, I brought out the second clutch by hand operation. This time not a few fry came out.

After a couple of weeks, all fry of the two clutches were transfered into a small tank.

After another month, into a 150 liter tank.

Three months and a half after the birth of the first clutch.

The dominant fish in the fourth month.

半年。Six months.

生後10ヶ月。Ten months after the birth.

Fourteen months after the birth. They have already started spawning.

One year and five months after the birth. A female keeping eggs in the mouth.

Spawning, two years and four months after the birth.

約3年。About three years.

4年目。In the fourth year.

約4年。About four years.

A female keeping eggs in its mouth.

In Sep. 2011, the third clutch of the 5th generation was born one year and five months after the first one. During this period, the parental fish spawned several times.

After one month, they were transfered into a big tank.

5ヶ月。Five months.

10ヶ月。Ten months after the birth.

One years and five months. They have already started to spawn.

One year and eight months after the birth. They were divided into two tanks.

2年3ヶ月。Two years and three months.

Males of this group have a feature that the tail fin wears brilliant color.

3年4ヶ月。Three years and four months after the birth.

産卵行動。Breeding behavior.

2015年7月。Jul. 2015.

2015年12月。Dec. 2015.

2017年3月。Mar. 2017.

2018年4月。満8才。Apr. 2018. Eight years old.