キアソファリンクス・フォアイ "モリロ" 第4世代
Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro" 4th Generation
The 4th generation fry came out of the mother's mouth into the tank where the parental fish are kept.
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"Moliro"第3世代の誕生と成長のページで紹介した個体が成長し第4世代(generation 4: G4 いわゆるF4)を産みました。(2008年8月)
The 4th generation (G4, so called F4) of Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro". (Aug. 2008)
Fry came out from the mouth of a G3 female.
With their great grand mother. This tank contains one G1 female, four G3 females and one G3 male.
Even if the adult fish look unconcerned with the babies, they often hunt the fry in the dark. So you had better separate them on the day you find fry. C. foae do eat small fish!
Five weeks later, they were transfered into a larger tank and kept with T. moorii.
生後9ヶ月。今回はトビと言われる1匹だけ成長が速い個体が出ていません。他魚に体する動きの活発なT. mooriiと混泳になっているからかも知れません。
Nine months. In this group, no fish grew much faster than others, possibly because they were kept with T. moorii that were bigger than them.
One year and two months. Transfered into a bigger tank for them.
One morning after only one month in the new tank, a crater-like sand nest was built. The fish started spawning but the female ate the eggs at this time. In my experience, they begin to keep eggs in their mouths after a couple of abortions.
Female keeping eggs in its mouth. The throat swelling is not remarkable so much, possibly because only a small number of eggs are kept now.
Aberrant males appeared. The feature with short ventral fins, yellowish color and black dapples is strange one, but the behavior is absolutely that of males. These males were isolated into other tank in order to avoid reproduction of this phenotype.
This is a normal male and now dominates in the tank. One year and a half after the birth.
1年10ヶ月。One year and ten months.
Two years. Now egg dummies at the tips of the ventral fins are appealing.
2年10ヶ月。Two years and ten months.
4年。Four years.
4年半。Four years and a half after the birth.