キアソファリンンクス・フォアイ "モリロ" 第6世代
Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro" Generation 6
A 6th generation female keeping eggs in its mouth (Jan. 2016)
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"Moliro"第5世代のページで紹介した個体(3番目に産まれた群)が成長し第6世代(generation 6: G6 いわゆるF6に相当)を産みました。(2014年4月)
The 6th generation (G6, equivalent to so called F6) of Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro". Born in Apr. 2014.
The parents are fish of the third clutch of the 5th generation. The mother fish has been isolated in a tank after the spawning, and the fry came out spontaneously after a month. Once came out from the mouth, the fry keep away from their mother.
1ヶ月経ちました。A month has passed.
5ヶ月。Five months.
7ヶ月。Seven months.
Nine months. The biggest one is about 10 cm long.
Eleven months. The first eggs are kept by a female. The number of the eggs is about 20, and they are rather small.
2015年7月。Jul. 2015.
Dec. 2015. Left, females; Right, males. They are separated at this point.
After that in Dec. 2015, females and one male were introduced into a breeding tank.
別水槽のオス。Males in another tank.
Jul. 2016. Two years and three months after the birth.
Jul. 2016. The same individual as above. The body color changes depending on the photo angle.
別個体。Another one.
2016年11月。Nov. 2016.
2017年3月。Mar. 2017.
2017年9月。Sep. 2017.
Apr. 2018. Four years old. The body length (excluding the tail fin) is >20 cm.
2018年9月。Sep. 2018.
2018年10月。Oct. 2018.
2019年3月。Mar. 2019.
In Aug. 2019, just after transfered into the same tank with G7 females, one G6 male started breeding behavior with one of the females.