キアソファリンクス・フォアイ "モリロ" 第8世代
Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro" Generation 8
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第8世代(generation 8: G8 いわゆるF8に相当)が産まれました。(2018年7月)
The 8th generation (G8, equivalent to so called F8) of Cyathopharynx foae "Moliro". Born in Jul. 2018.
Similar to the previous generation, in this generation of breeding also, eggs were often eaten on fourth or fifth days after spawning. After more than 30 times eating eggs in the fish group, one female spat out eggs after eight days of the spawning. Only one of the spat eggs had an embryo.
Six days after the birth (Fourteen days after the spawning).
13日目。13th day.
20日目。20th day.
27日目。27th day.
Another female spat out eggs when it was frightened as early as six days after the spawning, but this time all the eggs were developing. Photo of the next day.
However, it was too early and there was a certain degree of mortality. Embryos of the fifth day.
12日目。 Twelfth day.
19th day.
33日目。33rd day.
Early in August, a new clutch of embryos were spat out in twelve days after the spawning. They already tend to flock together, but as they cannot swim freely, the mother fish with eggs in its mouth should be separated from other adults. Otherwise, the embryos will be eaten at this point.
On the seventh day, the yolk sack has almost disappeared.
In mid-Aug, this time a female kept keeping eggs/fry for 15 days, and I took them out. More than a dozen of fry came out, and the reproductive behavior mast have been normal. I guess the fish acquired proficiency in the behavior.
Seven days later, fed with frozen rotifers.
14日目。14th day.
Oct. 2018, all the baby fish are in the same 60 L tank.
12月、90cm水槽へ。Dec. 2018, transfered into a 150 L tank.
2019年2月。Feb. 2019.
2019年5月。May 2019.
Jun. 2019. Males of this generation also have yellow-edged fins.
Jun. 2019. They started scuffling over a crater-like nest.
Aug. 2019. Two crater-like nests in one side of a tank.
2019年8月。 Aug. 2019.
2019年12月。 Dec. 2019.
2020年1月。 Jan. 2020.
2020年4月。 左のメスは卵を咥えていますが、数日でなくなってしまいました。右は発色したオス。
Apr. 2020. The female on the left is keeping eggs in the mouth, but the eggs were eaten in several days. Left is a male.
Four pictures of the same fish were taken with indirect light. The pictures look differently from ones with a flashlight. To demonstrate, a male circularly swims on the sand with the fins spread and the body inclined.
Apr. 2020. The same fish. The photos were taken with a flashlight.
May to Jul. 2020. Females often keep eggs in their mouths, but fry cannot be taken out yet.
Dec. 2020. This type of feces shows that eggs were eaten. From my observation so far, I presume that most eggs eaten are not developping.
May 2021.
Nov. to Dec. 2021.
2022年4月。Apr. 2022.
2022年10月。Apr. 2022.